- Branding
- Illustration
- Graphic Design
Over several years we have worked very closely with Reed In Partnership, producing brochures, flyers, and information literature for their jobseekers. We have also designed mail shots, posters, infographics and display artwork for incentives and campaigns.
We have recently helped launch two important initiatives for Reed in Partnership including brand development and supporting literature, that go by the titles ‘Work Routes’ and ‘Changing Futures London’.
Work Routes is a skills training course for unemployed jobseekers. Over the course of a 72-hour guided learning programme, they acquire the skills and qualifications they need to find work, including special courses for retail, hospitality and business services work.
Changing Futures London is a personal development course for school pupils aged between 14 and 17. The course enables pupils who show signs of personal and educational disengaging to identify their skills, develop their confidence and make better informed decisions about their post-education options via a set of fun and interactive learning modules.
Pictured: Work Routes – Identity and Publications. Here is a collection of some of the work we have done. Colour-coded according to their various sectors, these booklets cover a range of topics within their relevant sections. They are created to be as accessible as possible, with an approachability that is achieved with considered layout and simple yet effective design.
Pictured: Changing Futures London – Identity and Publications. This is a montage of the literature we have produced in association with this campaign including information, a competition voucher and a course completion certificate.
Oliver Steward, Marketing Manager, Reed in Partnership